Friday, May 12, 2006

Dog walking and Bye-laws

Wandsworth Council are, from the 1st July, introducing a new bye-law to restrict the number of dogs that can be walked together in their open spaces. The introduction of the law is in response to numerous complaints and petitions from residents and park users with concerns over safety, both towards humans and other dogs, dog fouling not being picked up, and intimidation, albeit unintentional.

Some people have assumed that this new bye-law also applies to Putney Heath, Putney Lower Common and the small part of Wimbledon Common that falls into Wandsworth Borough. This is not the case. The Conservators already have their own bye-law in place covering these areas which restricts dog-walkers (both professional and private) to a maximum of 4 dogs, or a maximum of 6 dogs with a licence issued by the Ranger's Office. This bye-law was brought in some years ago to help curb the professional dog-walkers, who were single-handedly walking up to 20 dogs or more at a time, and with very little understanding of how dogs' behaviour can change when they are in a pack situation.

The number of licences that can be issued each year is restricted and there is a waiting list for new licences. However, any Commons levy-payer wishing to have a licence to walk more than 4 dogs can be issued one on request and with proof that they are a levy-payer.

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