Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Wimbledon & Putney Commons Open Day! Sunday 13th July

Well, what a day it turned out to be! With the weather still very wet on Saturday evening, we were beginning to panic about what the Open Day would have in store for us but lut luck was on our side and the day dawned bright and sunny and, apart from a few cloudy intervals, stayed that way all day.

All the staff would like to thank everyone who helped make the day a success...the charity stall holders, those giving demonstrations in the arena and, most of all, to you, the public for turning out once again to support us!

Here's a selection of photographs from the day:

Grooming demonstration:


Shire Horse from Richmond Park

Troops from the Household Division

The dog show and the Dog Race!

Donkey Rides

Wimbledon Village Stables - Musical Ride

Falcon High Birds of Prey

Mounted Keepers strutting their stuff:

We hope you all enjoyed the day and we look forward to seeing you again on the 12th July 2009!