Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Results of Conservators' election

The results of the recent election for Conservators is as follows:

David Devons 9,969 votes ELECTED
Diana de Coverly Veale 9,289 votes ELECTED
Andrew Simon 9,196 votes ELECTED
Norman Plastow 8,380 votes ELECTED
John Horrocks 8,378 votes ELECTED
Peter Pemberton 6,408 votes
Edward Harris 4,173 votes

22.4% of levy-payers voted, an increase on the 21% who voted in the 2006 election.

Did you vote? If not, was there any reason why not? The Conservators would be interested to know what would encourage more people to vote in future elections.


mark said...

I wanted to ask what's happened to the refuse bin at Kingsmere.It has been missing for nearly a week now.
Would it be a good idea to pin a note to a nearby tree to inform common users why it has gone and if it is to return?. The litter in the area has obviously Increased dramatically.

Anonymous said...

No I did not vote, nor did any members of my household.
Because the Conservators now seem to see their role as creating an Urban Park rather than maintaining our wonderful Commons as a little bit of wilderness for walkers to explore and enjoy.
The Conservators (through their News Letter) express a near pathological dislike of dogs and their walkers, while never mentioning horse riders and their horses (what a lot of poo they make – very rich in nutrients too - and boy are they dangerous when they are without a rider and bolting for the stables); the outrageous behaviour of a few golfers (being struck by a golf ball well after dusk is not a happy experience nor is being screamed at because the people who play golf on our Common seem to be in an inordinate rush and lacking in even the most basic courtesy); what of the cyclists (the destruction they are causing by cycling off the designated cycle paths and what of the danger caused to children and the elderly by their excessive speed)?
What about the vast increase in the number and speed of the maintenance vehicles?
What about the ever increasing fox population as a cause for the decline in wildlife or the over management of the Commons or the chemicals used on the golf course?
Are any of these things mentioned?
Oh no - it is all caused by those easy targets, the major users of the Commons, exercising their right to walk their domestic pets!