Monday, February 20, 2006

Election Results

The results of the Wimbledon & Putney Commons Conservators’ election have been received from the Electoral Reform Services for the election of Conservators for Wimbledon and Putney Commons .

The following five candidates were elected:

Diana de Coverly Veale
David Devons
John Horrocks
Norman Plastow MBE
Andrew Simon

There are eight Conservators, three of which are appointed by Government Departments and five are elected by the 63,000 levypayers living within ¾ mile of the Commons. We were slightly disappointed that the voting figures showed that only 21% of levypayers voted. But that was a huge improvement on three years ago when just over 10% of levypayers voted.

Election for Conservators

Voting papers are going out this week (starting 18 January) to the 62,000 levypayers for the election of five Conservators who will sit on the Board which owns and manages Wimbledon Common, Putney Heath and Putney Lower Common. Everyone who lives within the area who pays the Commons’ levy (as part of their Council Tax) and is on the Electoral Roll can vote. It is a postal ballot organised by Electoral Reform Ballot Services. The voting area covers Putney, Roehampton, Wimbledon and a small part of Kingston . There are nine candidates for the five places to be filled. They are Diana de Coverly Veale, David Devons, Elaine Fletcher, John Rice and John Weir from Putney; John Horrocks from Roehampton, and Dr Stephen Frank, Norman Plastow and Andrew Simon from Wimbledon. Three of the candidates are existing Conservators and six are hoping to be elected for the first time.

The voting form needs to be returned to Electoral Reform Ballot Services to arrive by 15 February. Biographical details of the candidates can be found here

Please note that the forms are sent out to all those on the Electoral Register as at June 2005. If you do not receive your voting papers within the next few days, please call the Ranger's Office on 020 8788 7655.

We appreciate that the Electoral Register will have changed since June 2005 and that some people will receive forms for people no longer at that address or won't receive forms if they have recently moved to an address. We apologise for this but the timing of the election is such that we cannot wait for the up-dated Electoral Register from December. The Ranger's Office cannot help with any changes to the Electoral Register, for that you should contact your local Council: Wandsworth, Merton or Kingston