Saturday, November 03, 2007

Fireworks are not permitted on Wimbledon and Putney Commons

Please note that the setting off of fireworks is not permitted on Wimbledon and Putney Commons. Byelaw 44 states:

No unauthorised person shall fire any gun, pistol, or other fire-arm, light any firework, or throw any stone, stick, or other missile, upon the Commons, or commit any other act thereon whereby persons using or frequenting the Commons may be endangered, nor have in his possession on the Commons any fire-arm or ammunition or any air-gun or other weapon operated by compressed air or any catapult or sling or bow or arrow.

Apart from the very serious risk to other Commons' users, there is also the risk of injury or even death to the wildlife of the Commons, and a very real risk of setting fire to the fauna.

Furthermore, it is an offence under Section 80 of the Explosives Act 1875 to throw or set off fireworks in any highway, street, thoroughfare or public place.

The power to enforce this section of the Act rests with the police and they will be be called if anyone is caught setting off fireworks on the Commons. Anyone found guilty is liable to pay a fine of up to £5,000.

Be warned that we take this matter very seriously.

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